Canada In Prayer began in 1998 as a network of individual intercessors and prayer groups. The goal then, as it is today, is to provide Canadians here and overseas with a forum focused on strategic prayer for renewal and revival – first in our churches and then in our nation.
The strategy for this unique alliance was set forth in the Vancouver Agreement, which was biblically anchored on 2 Chronicles 7: 14. It was a call to the body of Christ to be aligned in prayer and fasting for our nation on the first Friday of every month. Individuals, prayer groups and churches were to be informed of provincial and national prayer requests by an email network and a web page.
Further building upon the Agreement, in 2002 at The Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario, a group of national ministries, in partnership with Canada in Prayer, met together to seek how they could cooperate in prayer and evangelism for Canada. The Crossroads Declaration was set forth, and the principle of ‘prayer-driven evangelism’ was established, describing the vital partnership through which prayer for the harvest precedes successful evangelism.
Today, CIP continues to herald the Gospel of Jesus Christ from coast to coast to coast and equip and mobilize thousands across the country to pray in the harvest across Canada through our monthly electronic First Friday Prayer Newsletter, seminars, conferences, evangelistic events and regular gatherings.