After eight years of creating excitement on football fields all across this nation, God compelled Brian Warren to envision a Canada where Jesus’ name is echoed from coast to coast to coast.

In 1995, Brian, along with seven other dedicated men, worked tirelessly to bring the transforming power of Jesus Christ to Canadian men through the ministry of Promise Keepers. Determined not to import a U.S. brand of ministry into Canada, Brian and the other founding board members of Promise Keepers Canada prayed for the wisdom and courage to build a uniquely Canadian expression. Years later, Promise Keepers Canada continues to revolutionize the lives of Canadian men and their families.

Often quoted as saying he is a Canadian by choice and not by birth, Brian’s missionary zeal for his adopted country was amplified while attending the Stand in the Gap Rally in Washington D.C.  As he stood amongst two million men crying out to God for the United States, his heart’s cry was…”But what about Canada?”  God heard.

In December of 1997, Canada in Prayer was birthed and intercessory prayer in Canada went hi-tech. Anchored on the Vancouver Agreement, approximately sixty pastors and para-church leaders from various denominations and ethnic backgrounds agreed to fast and pray on the first Friday of every month for revival and the ongoing transformation of the nation. Linked via email, thousands caught the vision and in May 2000 there was a spiritual breakthrough. The Canadian Prayer Assembly, a historic gathering held in the Nation’s capital, summoned over eight thousand believers to Frank Clair Stadium, while countless others watched on television and on the internet. The Assembly’s objective was to repent of the church’s failures and to celebrate her diversity, her past, her present and her future. Today our nation is richer for having witnessed the power of the body of Christ and we will seize this moment in our country’s history to see the Kingdom of God advanced.

Brian’s vision, through Canada In Prayer, is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ impact Canada by strategically targeting 500,000 un-churched, increasing the Kingdom by 50,000, and steadily increasing the percentage point of Christians in Canada, thus transforming the spiritual landscape of our country. To accomplish the vision, vibrant prayer ministries must be built and encouraged in local churches; the growing number of intercessors who fast and pray on the first Friday of every month must be trained and equipped; the internet potential as an evangelism tool must be exhausted; and innovative new television programming must be developed to meet the changing needs of the un-churched.

Ordained Minister

God called Brian out of a successful professional football career in 1994 to pursue the ultimate championship – kingdom building. After three years of study he was ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, a denomination which was founded in 1816 by ex-slave Richard Allen and continues to encourage prayer and reconciliation into the 21st century. Understanding the importance of the local church, Brian served as an associate pastor for several years at Grant Chapel in Toronto, and is now the Senior Pastor of a thriving congregation, New Hope Church, in Mississauga. He has the greatest respect for the brethren and pastors who labour day and night in public and in private for their congregations.


Each year, Brian reaches hundreds of thousands of people with the good news of Jesus Christ. He uses the same discipline and determination he used to win two national championships and all-pro honours to campaign for Jesus. He shamelessly tells all who has ears to hear that “the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life”. God has given him great compassion for the lost, and righteous indignation for the religious. Unashamed of the gospel, his message is bold yet always reflecting the Father’s heart.

Conference Speaker

Brian has been used by God as an instrument of hope for many years. While playing professional football he never shied away from taking full advantage of his powerful platform. In both secular and sacred arenas he told of the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

A sought-after youth speaker in the eighties and early nineties, Brian’s message was always passionate and relevant. In 1994, he joined the teaching facility of Promise Keepers U.S.A. and has been honoured to speak to thousands of men all across North America. He continues to be a platform speaker at many conferences, as well as hosting conferences across the nation with Canada In Prayer, training and mobilizing the body of Christ in prayer and prayer-driven evangelism to reach a nation that so desperately needs to hear the Gospel.  He never gets tired of witnessing the miracle of changed lives. A servant for all seasons, Almighty God continues to supply him with fresh bread for a hungry world.

Television Broadcaster

Trained in communication at the University of Arizona, Brian uses his unforgettable voice and ease in front of the cameras to reflect the love of Jesus.  He can be seen guest-hosting on 100 Huntley Street, an hour long magazine program aimed at bringing hope and changing lives, in the marketplace occasionally on sports broadcast programs on TSN and CBC, and is co-host of the 700 Club Canada.


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